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Donald Trump has a whole new Pee Pee Tape problem, and it involves Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Donald Trump just revealed that he has a huge Ty Cobb problem

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Donald Trump caves

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Now we know Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia report will become public

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Donald Trump allegedly had a love child with his housekeeper, and the coverup is under criminal investigation

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Lordy, there are tapes of Donald Trump – and Robert Mueller just seized them

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

The real reason Michael Cohen is reportedly pleading the Fifth

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

We told you the Michael Cohen raid was entirely about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

The Donald Trump resignation narrative truly has taken hold

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018

Jared Kushner gets a bailout

By Daniel Cotter | 04/12/2018


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