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Republican National Committee is in scandalous freefall

By Daniel Cotter | 04/13/2018

So the Pee Pee Tape is real

By Bill Palmer | 04/13/2018

Mark Zuckerberg: sorry, not sorry

By Virginia Kugel | 04/13/2018

The real reason Donald Trump is talking about pardoning Scooter Libby

By Daniel Cotter | 04/13/2018

Donald Trump’s base can’t save him now

By Bill Palmer | 04/13/2018

GOP once again tries to blame Hillary Clinton as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Virginia Kugel | 04/13/2018

Donald Trump’s endgame becomes clear

By Bill Palmer | 04/13/2018

Donald Trump and the gang that couldn’t shoot straight

By Daniel Cotter | 04/13/2018

Robert Mueller is busting the National Enquirer

By Bill Palmer | 04/13/2018

Robert Mueller catches Donald Trump dangling even more illegal pardons

By Bill Palmer | 04/12/2018


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