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Michael Cohen’s oddly specific Pee Pee Tape denial

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

The real reason Donald Trump is so worried about Michael Cohen

By Daniel Cotter | 04/14/2018

Judge backs Michael Cohen and Donald Trump into no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

Wow is this guy stupid

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

James Comey’s revenge on Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | 04/14/2018

Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, and the designated fall guy

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

Roger Stone melts down over Trump-Russia and threatens to steal somebody’s dog

By Tim Faulkner | 04/14/2018

Donald Trump has a new Russia lawyer, and it’s already a disaster for him

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

The part that brings down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018

Donald Trump’s base angrily lashes out at him over Syria bombing

By Bill Palmer | 04/14/2018


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