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James Comey’s leaked memos turn out to be really bad – for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Robert Mueller releases the Kraken on Paul Manafort and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

If Rod Rosenstein laid a trap for Republicans in Congress, one of them just took the bait

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Is Rudy Giuliani negotiating Donald Trump’s resignation?

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Michael Cohen has seven more “clients” beyond Donald Trump and Sean Hannity

By Daniel Cotter | 04/19/2018

Donald Trump desperately tries to distract from Rudy Giuliani revelation

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Now we know why Rudy Giuliani’s wife left him when she did

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Donald Trump’s new lawyer is Rudy Giuliani? This is even better than the Sean Hannity thing.

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

Hey Rudy Giuliani, we all know what you’re trying to pull here

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2018

This Donald Trump – Rudy Giuliani twist is even weirder than you think

By Daniel Cotter | 04/19/2018


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