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White House scrambles after circumstances of Melania Trump’s disappearance become even more alarming

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

The real reason Donald Trump just went berserk about Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

When it comes to Melania Trump’s disappearance, it’s fair to assume the worst – and then some

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

Donald Trump may have just sent Hope Hicks to prison

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

Donald Trump’s confession memo means he’s even further gone than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

Rudy Giuliani picks the worst possible time to go barking mad

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

Turns out Donald Trump has been ghost-tweeting for Melania for quite some time

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

No wonder Donald Trump is losing

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

The thing that most people missed about the Donald Trump confidential memo story

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2018

Donald Trump gives away that he’s the one who leaked his confidential memo to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 06/02/2018


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