
Note from Bill Palmer: we turned off that five second countdown ad to make Palmer Report more easily accessible. We hope to never have to turn it back on. Donate now and keep Palmer Report reader supported.

Just how insane can Donald Trump get?

By Robert Harrington | 07/07/2018

Someone get this guy a straitjacket

By Bill Palmer | 07/07/2018

How the Democrats take the Supreme Court back from Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | 07/07/2018

Jim Jordan gives bizarre TV interview after fifth accuser comes forward in sexual abuse scandal

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after judge issues ruling on Trump-Russia DNC hacking

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018

Rudy Giuliani takes one last desperate swing as Robert Mueller moves in on him and Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018

With its back against the wall, the Donald Trump regime resorts to its most absurd excuse yet

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018

With Scott Pruitt gone, here’s who is getting ousted from the Trump regime next

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018

What the hell are these Republican Senators doing in Russia?

By Robert Harrington | 07/06/2018

Robert Mueller reveals plan to use Paul Manafort trial to put Donald Trump on trial by proxy

By Bill Palmer | 07/06/2018


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