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It turns out Michael Cohen has been selling out Donald Trump all along

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have just found a backdoor for bringing the FBI into the Brett Kavanaugh scandal

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2018

LeBron James slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2018

Brett Kavanaugh, Chuck Grassley, and Trump-Russia blackmail

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2018

So much for that nonsense about Red State Democrats and Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018

Donald Trump inches away from sinking Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018

Donald Trump makes bizarre new remark about firing James Comey

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018

Donald Trump has revealing new meltdown about Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018

Classmate corroborates Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018

The three-way standoff between Dr. Ford, Brett Kavanaugh, and the GOP Senate, explained

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2018


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