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Brett Kavanaugh bets everything on Fox News stunt

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

Mitch McConnell hits the panic button as Brett Kavanaugh nomination implodes

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

Donald Trump is considering pulling the Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

Confirmed: Rod Rosenstein has NOT been fired, and this was all a distraction by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

Reports say police in Maryland are investigating Brett Kavanaugh, but the police say they aren’t [updated]

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

The firing of Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller’s next move

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

New emails sink Roger Stone in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

Dianne Feinstein comes out firing after additional Brett Kavanaugh accusers come forward

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

What did they know about Brett Kavanaugh and when did they know it?

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018

I want to vomit

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2018


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