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Mitch McConnell admits he doesn’t have the votes

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about Kavanaugh accuser Deborah Ramirez

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee dissolve into chaos amid Brett Kavanaugh debacle

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

I think I know what Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are really trying to do here

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

No, Michael Avenatti wasn’t pranked by an “online hoax” about Brett Kavanaugh rape allegations

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

Former State Department employee is accusing Brett Kavanaugh of rape

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

Roger Stone accused of trying to buy off Trump-Russia witness

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski supports FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

One of the 65 women who supported Brett Kavanaugh is now condemning him

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018

Former roommate: Brett Kavanaugh was an aggressive, belligerent, incoherent drunk

By Bill Palmer | 09/25/2018


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