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Here’s what happens next if Donald Trump pulls the Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Fifth accuser: Brett Kavanaugh allegedly committed sexual assault on a boat in Rhode Island [updated]

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Susan Collins begins backing away from Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Fourth accuser says Brett Kavanaugh got drunkenly and sexually violent in 1998

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

George Washington and Mr. Kurd: Donald Trump is in need of immediate medical attention

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Donald Trump has psychotic break during utterly deranged press conference

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Lindsey Graham just punched his ticket to Hell

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Here comes Donald Trump’s deranged press conference meltdown about Brett Kavanaugh scandal

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Senate GOP inexplicably brings in ATF and ICE to investigate Brett Kavanaugh allegations, but not FBI

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Donald Trump goes berserk about Michael Avenatti, who turns around and slam dunks him

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018


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