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Brett Kavanaugh totally loses it, begins yelling at Senator Dianne Feinstein

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Brett Kavanaugh is having a complete meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Lindsey Graham goes berserk in Senate hallway during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford hearings

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Chuck Grassley totally humiliates himself during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testimony

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford delivers compelling testimony, as the GOP and their hired prosecutor go off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Far right House GOP gears up for another windmill tilt at Rod Rosenstein

By Tim Faulkner | 09/27/2018

Donald Trump is already plotting his excuse for his next failure

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2018

Michael Avenatti and Donald Trump Jr got into a feud. Guess who won.

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018

Dianne Feinstein and Lisa Murkowski have secretive conversation about Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2018


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