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Now we know why the Democrats were so confident an FBI investigation would take Brett Kavanaugh down

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Donald Trump just got busted, and now Brett Kavanaugh is probably toast

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Donald Trump’s illegal FBI order reveals what Brett Kavanaugh fears most

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Brett Kavanaugh lie detector test saga takes a new twist

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s FBI nightmare gets even worse

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Here comes Donald Trump’s week from hell

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Lindsey Graham digs an even deeper hole for himself

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

New questions emerge about what Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar really says about July 1st, 1982

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

FBI is already ripping into Brett Kavanaugh’s life tonight

By Bill Palmer | 09/29/2018

Amid FBI investigation, Brett Kavanaugh’s old friends confirm he committed felony perjury

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2018


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