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Peter Smith was the real Trump-Russia deal after all

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

Danger looms for Donald and Ivanka Trump

By Daniel Cotter | 10/10/2018

We told you the Trump Tower Russian email server was connected to Betsy DeVos

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

Susan Collins returns to Twitter, and it goes disastrously for her

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

Chief Justice John Roberts just sold out Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

“Something doesn’t smell right”

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

The real reason all of Michael Flynn’s Trump-Russia dirt is suddenly coming to the surface

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2018

Taylor Swift has done the impossible

By Wendy Luxenburg | 10/10/2018

Donald Trump couldn’t care less

By Amy Fowler | 10/10/2018


Latest from Bill Palmer