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Things get weird for Robert Mueller and Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | 10/12/2018

Susan Collins gets shouted down

By Bill Palmer | 10/12/2018

Ted Lieu rips Jared Kushner a new one

By Bill Palmer | 10/12/2018

Hillary Clinton slam dunks Donald Trump after one of his stupidest lies yet

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

Melania Trump sinks to a whole new low

By Wendy Luxenburg | 10/11/2018

The real reason Donald Trump has reportedly begun answering Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia questions in writing

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

Here’s the thing about Kanye West and Donald Trump in the Oval Office

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

Michael Cohen has really, really had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

The real reason Donald Trump is making so much noise about Jeff Sessions (it’s not what you think)

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018

Brett Kavanaugh failed to secure his own website registration, and it’s backfired on him

By Bill Palmer | 10/11/2018


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