
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Paul Manafort and Donald Trump just got outfoxed

By Daniel Cotter | 11/26/2018

Oh come on, Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

There are no magic Trump-Russia pardons, for Paul Manafort or anyone else

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Looks like Robert Mueller just used Paul Manafort to bluff Donald Trump into submission

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Bizarre turn of events in Robert Mueller’s cooperation deal with Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Donald Trump tips off that he knows terrible news for him is about to land

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Roger Stone seemingly hints that he wants a plea deal

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Jerome Corsi goes strangely quiet [updated]

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Anti-Pelosi centrist Democrats signal surrender

By Bill Palmer | 11/26/2018

Jared Kushner strikes again

By Daniel Cotter | 11/26/2018