
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Randy Credico’s scandalous reveal about Donald Trump could have implications across the board

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2018

Donald Trump’s mysterious vanishing act is now being blamed on a “glitch”

By Bill Palmer | 11/29/2018

At the end of his strangest day yet, Donald Trump launches into bizarre late night wacko session

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

What is even happening right now?

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

Roger Stone’s nemesis Randy Credico explodes, reveals dirt on Donald Trump’s “depraved sexual behavior” and various crimes

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

Busted: Roger Stone called Donald Trump right after Jerome Corsi told him about WikiLeaks

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

Roger Stone lays the groundwork for Donald Trump’s exit

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

Here comes Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia evidence rollout for the Paul Manafort judge

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018

Hammer Time

By Daniel Cotter | 11/28/2018

Donald Trump’s abrupt vanishing act from Christmas tree lighting ceremony gets even stranger

By Bill Palmer | 11/28/2018


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