
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

CNN evacuated over bomb threat right after Donald Trump posts incendiary tweet

By Bill Palmer | 12/07/2018

What the heck are Robert Mueller and Donald Trump “negotiating” tonight?

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Rudy Giuliani waves the white flag

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Here’s the thing about Michael Cohen’s prison sentence

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Donald Trump has berserk all-caps late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Assistant Attorney General secretly recused himself from Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

No wonder Donald Trump was so desperate to fire Andrew McCabe

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s delusional meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Roger Stone screws up and makes really stupid admission about Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018

Looks like the Matthew Whitaker experiment is over

By Bill Palmer | 12/06/2018


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