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Matthew Whitaker’s life just got ripped to pieces

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Mike Pence goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Donald Trump Jr goes berserk as he’s revealed as the first House Intel Committee subpoena target

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s ‘Forrest Gump’ meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

So much for Rod Rosenstein’s resignation

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Donald Trump has unhinged fist slamming meltdown during disastrous meeting with Nancy Pelosi

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Donald Trump nominee bites the dust in surreal fashion

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

So much for Donald Trump’s shutdown stopping Robert Mueller and the courts from nailing him

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump and his craptastic speech

By Robert Harrington | 01/09/2019

GOP Senate begins caving on shutdown amid Donald Trump’s disastrous wall speech

By Bill Palmer | 01/09/2019