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Exposed: Donald Trump’s treason is so severe, he’s been hiding the worst of it from his own people

By Bill Palmer | 01/13/2019

Donald Trump opens his mouth and makes it all even worse for him

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Here’s the thing about the 2020 Democratic primary race

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Here comes the tidal wave of House committee testimony, and it’s all landing on Donald Trump’s head

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown on Fox News

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Robert Mueller goes for the kill

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Donald Trump goes off the deep end after he’s exposed as a Kremlin agent

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Stephen Miller caught up in FBI counterintelligence investigation

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019

Donald Trump isn’t exactly taking the news well

By Daniel Cotter | 01/12/2019

Donald Trump is stuck in the wrong endgame crisis

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2019