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Donald Trump has profane meltdown about Mick Mulvaney

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

Mitch McConnell reemerges from hiding and takes weird new approach that’s not good news for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

House Democrats find new angle for taking down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

Donald Trump goes berserk after the media exposes his treasonous secrets

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

Exposed: Vladimir Putin told Donald Trump how to publicly respond to Trump Tower meeting with the Russians

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

The real reason these dummies keep falling for Donald Trump’s idiocy

By Robert Harrington | 01/14/2019

Maxine Waters slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

America, we have a problem

By Daniel Cotter | 01/14/2019

Donald Trump’s attempted attack on Elizabeth Warren goes bizarrely wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2019

The real reason for Donald Trump’s “Jeff Bozo” meltdown

By Daniel Cotter | 01/14/2019