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No, Donald Trump and William Barr can’t prevent Robert Mueller’s report from becoming public

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Donald Trump’s AG nominee William Barr is even more of a disaster than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Come on in, Joe Biden, the water’s just fine

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Fact check: did the Supreme Court just rule that Matthew Whitaker’s appointment is legal?

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Howard Dean and others slam dunk fake “Democrat” Tulsi Gabbard

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

There’s no getting around it: Donald Trump is a career criminal

By Robert Harrington | 01/15/2019

The Liar-in-Chief finds a way to outdo himself

By Amy Fowler | 01/15/2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s idiotic Burger King debacle

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Donald Trump’s speech was even more of a disaster than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump supposedly trying to withdraw from NATO

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019