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Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ deputy resigns, joins the Democrats

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Eric Swalwell slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Kirsten Gillibrand says she’s running for president in 2020 – and everyone has the same question for her

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Nancy Pelosi just brilliantly backed Donald Trump into a no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Lindsey Graham goes bonkers

By Daniel Cotter | 01/16/2019

Mitch McConnell selfishly sells out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Rachel Maddow just dropped the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Adam Schiff drops the hammer on Donald Trump nominee William Barr

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2019

Lindsey Graham goes even further off the deep end after MSNBC suggests he’s being blackmailed

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019

Robert Mueller nails Donald Trump and his White House for criminally conspiring with Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2019