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Donald Trump offers lame compromise, outrages his base, Nancy Pelosi tells him to shove it

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

The impending demise of the Republican Party in just two words

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

President Nancy Pelosi

By Tim Faulkner | 01/19/2019

Let the idiot celebrate for now

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s “major announcement” today

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

Rudy Giuliani reaches his breaking point

By Tim Faulkner | 01/18/2019

Everyone stop and take a deep breath

By Daniel Cotter | 01/18/2019

Melania Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2019

Donald Trump goes berserk because he’s too stupid to understand Robert Mueller’s statement

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2019

No, Robert Mueller did NOT just dispute that Donald Trump told Michael Cohen to lie

By Bill Palmer | 01/18/2019