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Rudy Giuliani screws up and admits Michael Cohen lied about Trump Tower Russia after all

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about Nancy Pelosi

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Hey Mike Pence, bite me!

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Donald Trump’s Hitler Youth

By Amy Fowler | 01/20/2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s idiotic San Antonio flub

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Three strikes and you’re an idiot

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Yet another of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters meets his downfall

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

GOP Congressman lashes out at Donald Trump’s idiotic border wall

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

Donald Trump just lost Ann Coulter again – and this time it matters

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019

Ted Lieu teaches Donald Trump a lesson

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2019