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Robert Mueller still knows what he’s doing

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Yep, Donald Trump Jr is definitely going to prison

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Michael Cohen just got doubled up on his House testimony

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Here comes the FBI criminal investigation into Kirstjen Nielsen

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Donald Trump tries his best to screw up Martin Luther King Day

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s corrupt new Secretary of State totally blows it

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Nancy Pelosi fires back after Donald Trump makes weird new threat about his State of the Union

By Bill Palmer | 01/21/2019

Donald Trump reveals he can’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag

By Daniel Cotter | 01/20/2019

Robert Mueller just told us something big about his endgame timeframe

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019

Adam Schiff hints at why Robert Mueller issued his statement about Donald Trump and Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2019