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Democratic-controlled House Oversight Committee makes bold move against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2019

Donald Trump’s ties to Russia are even deeper than we knew

By Robert Harrington | 01/23/2019

Nancy Pelosi reveals why the Democrats simply cannot cave to Donald Trump over his government shutdown

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2019

BuzzFeed comes out swinging with mountain of evidence about Trump Tower Moscow

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019

Donald Trump cabinet member is about to get hauled in with a subpoena

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019

Donald Trump goes berserk about Sarah Huckabee Sanders

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019

Key new detail emerges about mystery Trump-Russia company being targeted by Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019

Rudy Giuliani seems to be having second thoughts about wanting to go down with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to get even worse at this

By Virginia Masters | 01/22/2019

Michael Flynn Jr makes bizarre move

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2019