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The real story about whether Robert Mueller already has the House Intel Committee transcripts

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2019

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about the arrest of Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2019

Nancy Pelosi twists the knife

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2019

Donald Trump goes off the deep end after “Trump caves” takes over Twitter

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2019

The real reason Robert Mueller suddenly hurried up and nabbed Roger Stone, after months of waiting

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2019

Weekend at Donald’s

By Amy Fowler | 01/25/2019

Roger Stone is even stupider than I thought

By Robert Harrington | 01/25/2019

There are very few people who truly scare the crap out of Donald Trump. Here’s why Roger Stone is one of them.

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2019

Robert Mueller just made sure Donald Trump can’t pardon Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2019

Donald Trump caves like an idiot on wall and shutdown after his world collapses

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2019


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