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Adam Schiff calls bullshit on Matthew Whitaker’s announcement

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2019

The real reason Matthew Whitaker just said Robert Mueller will be finished in a few weeks

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2019

Donald Trump is riding his puppet status all the way to the bottom

By Tim Faulkner | 01/28/2019

Ted Lieu throws down the gauntlet

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2019

Donald Trump loses everyone and everything as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2019

Backed into a corner and out of options, Donald Trump is spiraling out of control

By Tim Faulkner | 01/27/2019

Howard Schultz doesn’t seem to be very good at this whole “running for president” thing

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2019

The one big mystery about Robert Mueller’s arrest of Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2019

It’s a numbers game, and Donald Trump is totally lost

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2019

Donald Trump goes bonkers, drags some random woman into his Twitter meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2019


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