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Donald Trump’s tweet about the stock market backfired on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Now we know the earliest date that Robert Mueller can arrest Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Analyst says imminent indictments and arrests are coming for Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Really, Melania?

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Senate Democrats set a trap for Donald Trump, and he walked right into it

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Yep, it’s truly Roger Stone’s time in the barrel

By Robert Harrington | 01/30/2019

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes completely off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Enough already with all this sexist and racist crap about Kamala Harris

By Wendy Luxenburg | 01/30/2019

Trey Gowdy reveals he’s exactly who we thought he was

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019

Donald Trump has bizarre illiterate meltdown after U.S. intel leaders sell him out

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019


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