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This new report about Donald Trump Jr’s phone calls is far too conveniently timed – and it doesn’t add up at all

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

Donald Trump runs smack into his own wall

By Daniel Cotter | 01/31/2019

Robert Mueller hits the Roger Stone mother lode

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

New twist in the saga of how Steve Bannon “knew” Donald Trump would win Michigan

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

Insider: Donald Trump’s failing 2020 reelection campaign is a “shitshow”

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

The real reason Nancy Pelosi is letting Donald Trump show up and give the State of the Union

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

This is all too ridiculous to be real

By Virginia Masters | 01/31/2019

Chuck Schumer moves for a Trump intervention

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2019

Komrade Trump is circling the drain

By Daniel Cotter | 01/31/2019

Did Robert Mueller get to Rudy Giuliani?

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2019


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