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More terrible news for Howard Schultz

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2019

Now we’re REALLY wondering if Robert Mueller got to Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2019

Robert Mueller’s deafening silence grows louder

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2019

Donald Trump gets ripped to shreds

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

Donald Trump appears to be going for a senility defense

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

Roger Stone just got the worst news possible

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

Who was behind the fake “Blacks for Howard Schultz” Twitter account?

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

The Donald Trump 2020 trap has been set

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

Donald Trump Jr’s phone call story falls apart even more

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019

Rachel Maddow fires back after WikiLeaks attacks her

By Bill Palmer | 02/01/2019


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