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National Enquirer’s David Pecker blows it again – and Donald Trump is going down with him

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2019

Looks like Rick Gates sold out the entire Donald Trump campaign for conspiring with the Kremlin to rig the election

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2019

Matt Whitaker is already trying to sabotage his public testimony – and it’s already backfiring on him

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2019

Robert Mueller’s big endgame

By Tim Faulkner | 02/07/2019

Donald Trump suffers major malfunction during National Prayer Breakfast speech

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2019

Matt Whitaker is about to get ripped to shreds and he knows it

By Bill Palmer | 02/07/2019

Adam Schiff just dropped a bomb on Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | 02/07/2019

Michael Cohen has a huge secret

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2019

Donald Trump Jr has berserk meltdown after Adam Schiff delivers him to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2019

Donald Trump and his goons are all going to prison – and big arrests are coming very, very soon

By Bill Palmer | 02/06/2019


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