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Ted Lieu drops the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/09/2019

Another new sealed indictment surfaces out of Robert Mueller’s favorite court

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

The single biggest victory the Democrats scored today over Matt Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

It’s finally Donald Trump’s “Pee Pee Tape” bodyguard Keith Schiller’s time in the barrel

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Donald Trump, Saudi Arabia, and the murder of Jeff Bezos’ employee Jamal Khashoggi

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Robert Mueller is having an amazing day

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Democratic Congressman confirms Matt Whitaker got caught committing perjury today

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Here’s the evidence that Donald Trump was behind the National Enquirer’s attempted blackmail of Jeff Bezos

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Matt Whitaker is toast

By Bill Palmer | 02/08/2019

Matt Whitaker goes flying off the rails and crashes and burns

By Daniel Cotter | 02/08/2019


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