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The price Donald Trump will pay

By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2020


By Bill Palmer | 12/11/2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris named Time Magazine’s 2020 Person of the Year

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

Donald Trump’s tax returns

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

Texas AG Ken Paxton, ringleader behind Donald Trump’s election suit, subpoenaed by FBI

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

The dead giveaway that Donald Trump’s final election lawsuit isn’t going anywhere

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

GOP Senator Rick Scott speaks up and reminds us all why he belongs in prison

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

Traitor Rand Paul goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

106 House Republicans go completely off the rails as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020

Stop with this nonsense

By Bill Palmer | 12/10/2020


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