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After humiliating Supreme Court defeat, Donald Trump shifts course in his grift

By Bill Palmer | 12/13/2020

Here comes the shouting

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Donald Trump and Bill Barr get into bizarre war of words as everything unravels for them both

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Joe Biden knew what he was doing

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Nope, that wasn’t Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Donald Trump hits a wall

By Ron Leshnower | 12/12/2020

Donald Trump’s final message to his supporters: “Destroy the GOP”

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Donald Trump’s Bill Barr endgame

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020

Joe Biden’s big cleanup

By Ron Leshnower | 12/12/2020

That’s Dr. Jill Biden to you

By Bill Palmer | 12/12/2020


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