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Putin Envy

By Robert Harrington | 12/17/2020

Ron DeSantis caught faking Florida’s coronavirus daily death toll to try to help Trump win the election

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2020

Coronavirus hits Donald Trump’s cabinet

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2020

Doug Jones as President Biden’s Attorney General?

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2020

Something doesn’t add up with Republican Senator Ron Johnson

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2020

Are we really about to see the Secret Service physically remove Donald Trump from the White House?

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2020

Donald Trump’s new pardon scheme reveals he’s even more desperate than we knew

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2020

New York Attorney General targets Donald Trump for his White House crimes

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2020

The real reason Donald Trump is talking about appointing a Special Counsel

By Bill Palmer | 12/16/2020

Joe Biden is the antidote

By Shirley Kennedy | 12/16/2020