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The cavalry is coming

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2020

Befuddled child Marco Rubio goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2020

Donald Trump just got shut out by the Supreme Court again

By Ron Leshnower | 12/20/2020

Donald Trump, stochastic terrorist

By Robert Harrington | 12/20/2020

What is Donald Trump so afraid of?

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2020

That ship has sailed

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2020

Martial law? Not even close, as Donald Trump’s late night meltdown reveals how hobbled he is

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2020

Trump stooge David Perdue runs and hides in the Georgia runoffs

By James Sullivan | 12/19/2020

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2020

Good news for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the Georgia runoffs

By James Sullivan | 12/19/2020