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Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica have a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

President-elect Joe Biden rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

Donald Trump goes off the deep end in a haze of delusional desperation

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

Donald Trump goes berserk about the FBI at the worst possible time

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

Dear Trump Supporter…

By Robert Harrington | 12/26/2020

David Perdue goes off the rails in Georgia Senate runoff race

By James Sullivan | 12/26/2020

Donald Trump is in la la land

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

Republicans are in disarray in Georgia heading into the Senate runoff election

By Shirley Kennedy | 12/25/2020

Donald Trump miserably fails leadership test in wake of Nashville RV bombing

By Bill Palmer | 12/25/2020

Michael Cohen confirms New York State criminal investigation targeting Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 12/25/2020