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Everyone piles on after jackass Marco Rubio dishonestly attacks Dr. Fauci

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Kayleigh McEnany goes berserk about getting banned from CNN show

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump has found a whole new way to screw up the Georgia Senate runoffs

By James Sullivan | 12/27/2020

It won’t be that difficult to work around Donald Trump’s pardons

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump’s criminal culpability

By Robert Harrington | 12/27/2020

House Republicans begin openly feuding with each other as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump just blew it again

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Michael Cohen rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020

The only remaining question in Donald Trump’s downfall

By TR Kenneth | 12/26/2020

Turns out Donald Trump ruined Christmas for nothing

By Bill Palmer | 12/26/2020