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Donald Trump’s sheer evil

By Robert Harrington | 12/28/2020

Marco Rubio is a complete mess

By Bill Palmer | 12/28/2020

Donald Trump’s temper tantrum blows up in his face

By Shirley Kennedy | 12/28/2020

Donald Trump has no idea what he’s even trying to do

By Bill Palmer | 12/28/2020

Did Donald Trump just fall for the bait and switch?

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Even the New York Post is telling Donald Trump it’s over

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump throws Steve Mnuchin under the bus

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump just caved

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump is treating this like a reality show finale and nobody wants to watch it anymore [Updated]

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020

Donald Trump golfs while America burns, and his life burns with it

By Bill Palmer | 12/27/2020