
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Sean Hannity implodes

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2021

Hey Donald Trump, go for it!

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2021

Rachel Maddow just buried Donald Trump’s presidency

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2021

Disinfecting sunlight

By TR Kenneth | 01/19/2021

Mike Pompeo goes out in utterly embarrassing fashion

By Jean Johnson | 01/19/2021

Donald Trump just took another blow

By Bill Palmer | 01/19/2021

Joe Biden’s approval rating is through the roof

By James Sullivan | 01/19/2021

Josh Hawley is in real trouble

By Jennifer Mann | 01/19/2021

Donald Trump’s silence

By Ron Leshnower | 01/19/2021

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have been backed into a no-win corner

By Jennifer Mann | 01/19/2021


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