
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Calls grow for Ted Cruz to resign

By Windy Breeze | 01/23/2021

Trump’s impeachment trial is a lose-lose for Senate Republicans

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2021

Lauren Boebert’s gun rationale is looking more disturbing by the minute

By Jean Johnson | 01/23/2021

Lev Parnas rips Rudy Giuliani a new one

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2021

This just keeps getting uglier for Ted Cruz

By Windy Breeze | 01/23/2021

The true intent of the Capitol terrorists

By TR Kenneth | 01/23/2021

Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz face expulsion

By Justin Hodges | 01/23/2021

Fact check: no, President Biden didn’t overturn a Trump executive order lowering insulin prices

By Bill Palmer | 01/23/2021

GOP Senator Mike Lee is confused

By Jennifer Mann | 01/23/2021

Sorry Lindsey Graham, that’s not how anything works

By Jean Johnson | 01/23/2021