
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

A tale of two 22 year olds

By Jean Johnson | 01/24/2021

Mary Trump drops the hammer

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2021

House Republican Madison Cawthorn flames out

By Ministry of Trvth | 01/24/2021

Here’s the thing about Sarah Huckabee Sanders running for Governor of Arkansas

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2021

Here’s how President Biden can get rid of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

By Daniel Cotter | 01/24/2021

Donald Trump’s secret pardons

By Trisha Delaney | 01/24/2021

President Joe Biden’s approval numbers are off the charts

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2021

Tom Cotton caught in ugly scandal over military service

By Jennifer Mann | 01/24/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene just dug an even deeper hole for herself

By Justin Hodges | 01/24/2021

The merciful end of “Operation Warp Speed”

By Joseph Gruberman | 01/24/2021


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