
Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.

New York just expanded its criminal case against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2021

Mitch McConnell just threw Donald Trump under the bus

By Wendy Jacobson | 02/13/2021

The three criminal prosecutions Donald Trump is now facing

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2021

The white middle class coup gets embarrassing

By C. Walker | 02/13/2021

Is the Republican Party about to break in two?

By Shirley Kennedy | 02/13/2021

Everyone calm down

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2021

Nikki Haley jumps the shark

By Fair Observer | 02/13/2021

What would Lincoln do?

By Robert Harrington | 02/13/2021

Marco Rubio goes off the deep end

By Bocha Blue | 02/13/2021

In wake of last night’s bombshells, Republican official calls on Mitch McConnell to convict Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2021


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