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We told you Donald Trump had early stage dementia symptoms

By Bill Palmer | 02/16/2021

Even the Wall Street Journal says it’s over for Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | 02/16/2021

Here comes President Joe Biden’s agenda

By Shirley Kennedy | 02/16/2021

The real reason the GOP acquitted Trump

By David Deutsch | 02/16/2021

Ron Johnson is completely out of control

By Tyler Davis | 02/16/2021

Nancy Pelosi is absolutely right

By Suzanne Shatto | 02/16/2021

The real reason Senate Democrats pulled the plug on impeachment witnesses at the last minute

By Bill Palmer | 02/16/2021

The real reason the GOP can’t quit Trump

By Tyler Davis | 02/15/2021

Mitch McConnell appeared to just give away that he’ll retire early if he doesn’t regain Majority Leader title

By Bill Palmer | 02/15/2021

What the Republicans are really trying to do right now

By David Deutsch | 02/15/2021