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Vladimir Putin is at it again

By Brutal Publicist | 02/21/2021

Donald Trump’s CPAC appearance is a disaster for the Republican Party

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2021

Ted Cruz just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2021

What does Trump want, a cookie?

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2021

New York moves to expand statute of limitations on Donald Trump’s crimes

By Ron Leshnower | 02/20/2021

Donald Trump just took another financial blow

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2021

Ted Cruz must resign

By Robert Harrington | 02/20/2021

Why Ted Cruz finally found a scandal he couldn’t shake off

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2021

Ghislaine Maxwell’s new Jeffrey Epstein claim doesn’t add up

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2021

The GOP is out to lunch on this one

By James Sullivan | 02/20/2021


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