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Here comes Attorney General Merrick Garland. This is going to be fun.

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2021

It won’t take New York prosecutors as long to sort through Donald Trump’s taxes as you might think

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2021

Told you this wouldn’t work out for Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2021

What is Mitch McConnell trying to do?

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2021

Lauren Boebert goes bonkers

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene is completely out of control

By Bocha Blue | 02/25/2021

So that explains Donald Trump Jr.’s meltdown video

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2021

House turns over Capitol tour investigation to U.S. Attorney’s office

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2021

Working around the Senate Parliamentarian

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2021

Ron Johnson should be expelled for this

By Bocha Blue | 02/25/2021


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