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The sheep and the goats

By Robert Harrington | 03/29/2021

This is embarrassing, even for Lindsey Graham

By Sheree McSpadden | 03/29/2021

This is getting really ugly for Donald Trump in New York

By Bill Palmer | 03/29/2021

Chris Wallace should know better

By Bocha Blue | 03/28/2021

Donald Trump has been reduced to wandering around Mar-a-Lago and incoherently rambling at people

By Daniel Cotter | 03/28/2021

To hell with “unity”

By DC Rapier | 03/28/2021

Donald Trump Jr. just blew it

By Bocha Blue | 03/28/2021

Lindsey Graham goes totally off the deep end

By Justin Hodges | 03/28/2021

Everyone piles on after Jim Jordan completely humiliates himself

By Bill Palmer | 03/28/2021

This new Republican “three witches” strategy isn’t going to work

By James Sullivan | 03/28/2021


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