
Note from Bill Palmer: we turned off that five second countdown ad to make Palmer Report more easily accessible. We hope to never have to turn it back on. Donate now and keep Palmer Report reader supported.

Mike Huckabee goes to hell

By Justin Hodges | 04/05/2021

Donald Trump’s fraudulent cash grab

By Robert Harrington | 04/05/2021

House Republicans tip off that they know Matt Gaetz is toast

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2021

Matt Gaetz’s bizarre stunt today made things even worse for him

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2021

We can do this

By Bocha Blue | 04/05/2021

Matt Gaetz is screwed six ways to Sunday

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene has berserk meltdown as it all goes wrong for her

By Bocha Blue | 04/05/2021

Here comes Matt Gaetz’s week from hell

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2021

John Boehner nails the GOP

By Robert Harrington | 04/04/2021

The deafening Matt Gaetz silence

By Bocha Blue | 04/04/2021


Latest from Bill Palmer