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The Feds are investigating whether Matt Gaetz rigged a Florida State Senate election. The whole thing just got even uglier.

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021

Tucker Carlson goes completely off the white supremacist deep end

By Bocha Blue | 04/10/2021

Matt Gaetz makes things even worse for himself with bizarre “Deep State” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021

Matt Gaetz could take half of Florida down with him

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021

“Clear the Capitol” – Trump busted after military leaders defied Mike Pence’s direct request for help

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld crashes and burns

By Brutal Publicist | 04/10/2021

Keisha Lance Bottoms nails it

By Shirley Kennedy | 04/10/2021

Bad news for Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021

The Mar-A-Lago zombie fest

By DC Rapier | 04/10/2021

Michael Cohen slam dunks Matt Gaetz

By Bill Palmer | 04/10/2021


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